Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ghetto Tamale

It began here.

It looked interesting. Carb loaded sodium filled fun. When I first saw this, I hate to admit it, I knew I was going to give it a try. To the left you see the key ingredients (in fact only ingredients except for hot water) for this deliciousness.

It was definitely a planned event. While visiting Mom and Dad to do my laundry, I grabbed three packages of Top Ramen from their Costco stash. On my trip home I picked up a bag of Doritos from my neighborhood corner store. I was on my way to a culinary delight, well, a culinary something or other.
The preparation is simple. (Click here if you'd rather see the video instead of reading my description) Begin boiling some water. Open a bag of Doritos (Fritos was suggested as a possible substitute. Such a flexible dish) and crush its contents. Take a package of Top Ramen (I imagine any brand of dried ramen noodles will do (e.g. Maruchan). I don't believe Frito Lay nor Nissan were sponsors of the video nor were they of my attempt) and crush the noodles. Open the package and remove the soup packet. Make sure the Doritos and ramen are fairly well crumbled. Pour the noodles into the bag of crushed Doritos and mix together. Measure one cup of boiled water and add the soup packet from the noodles. Based on my experience and the sizes of the packages I used (Doritos-2 1/8 oz, Top Ramen-3 oz) I think I would add maybe 1/8 cup more of the water, but experiment with this yourself if you desire to take this on. Pour the liquid into the bag containing the chips and noodles. Mix well and close bag into a tight package. Wrap the package in newspaper (I guess to hold in some heat?). Instructions were given to place it on plate in case the mixture leaked. After 5-8 minutes unwrap and allow the "food" to slide out of the bag on to a plate. Voila! A Ghetto Tamale. In all its starchy saltiness it actually didn't taste too bad, to my tastes anyways. This is how it ended up:

Yummy looking, dontcha think? There were also references to "jail food" on the You Tube page that I saw the video. I'm sure there are plenty of college students that have tried this "tasty morsel" too. Bon appetite!