Tuesday, April 13, 2010

KFC Double Down

Yea, I had to try it. You know I did.

That's the Colonel's Original Recipe on the left and the new Grilled version on the right. The already infamous KFC Double Down, bacon and cheese with the Colonel's "Secret Sauce" between two pieces of chicken. The KFC version of chicken cordon bleu.

I have to admit it was tasty. Very tasty. It was really salty. According to the KFC nutritional specs there is 1380 mg of sodium in the original recipe version and 1430 mg in the grilled version, each over half of the recommended amount of less than 2300 mg per day.

I have no problem of saying that I kinda liked it. I actually knew I would. Now what can be wrong about this "sandwich" taste-wise? T and I just took a slice of each version . So tasty but so salty. I saved the remaining for lunch. It was much better fresh but still really good. The meat was still moist. The cheese was a solid mass imbedded with bacon. The texture was a bit rubbery but it had bacon in it! Loving it! And there was the "secret sauce". Not sure what is in it. Kinda like a russian dressing. I'm writing this hours after eating it and I am still soooo thirsty and my stomach is not feeling so well but I have absolutely no regrets about trying the Double Down. I probably won't ever have another Double Down but I think it's something that everyone should try. :)